Université Jean Monnet (UJM)

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France, Saint-Etienne

Université Jean Monnet (UJM)

Université Jean Monnet (UJM) hosts students in their third semester for laboratory sessions focused on immunomonitoring, as well as teaching modules on communication and vaccine formulation and clinical development.

Within UJM there are research and clinical departments dedicated to vaccinology, such as GIMAP and the Clinical Investigation Center CIC1408 in Vaccinology respectively. GIMAP is a research structure with a strong background in the field of mucosal vaccination. CIC Vaccinology is a clinical structure labelled by INSERM, ANRS and member of the REIVAC network in vaccinology clinical investigation. The CIC has extensive experience in the evaluation of phase I and II of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines in the field of infectious diseases, oncology and in immunocompromised patients with both industrial and academic partners. It has also developed a strong platform of vaccine immunomonitoring.

UJM will also manage some student’s internships during the fourth semester. Regarding quality assessment issues, UJM compiles the quality assurance questionnaires for the third semester and communicates them to the external experts. UJM is in charge of the communication of the Master LIVE and actively participate in the student selection and in the joint committees.

Last updated : May 23, 2023