During their third semester in Lyon, LIVE students learn to manage reality projects, including one dedicated to MOOC production, supervised by advisors who are educational engineer and LIVE professors and partners. This practical work corresponds to 50% of the two teaching units: Project management and Communicating on vaccines and public health.
What is a MOOC?
Since the beginning of the LIVE master, every generation of students has worked on building MOOCs. As the name implies, MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is a model for delivering learning content online to any person willing to take a course with no limits on attendance. It combines the utilisation of social networks, active pedagogy, and diverse interactive media to ensure affordable and flexible ways to acquire new skills and advance one’s career. Furthermore, by actively analysing, planning, executing, and controlling each step of the MOOC, LIVE students gain invaluable experience to help them leverage the skills and education in their future career paths.
The first MOOC, “Decision Making in Vaccinology”, offers advanced courses on topics such as vaccine safety & efficacy, public health impact on vaccines, vaccination campaigns and global health to vaccines. Encompassing quizzes, exercises, open discussions, and external reading material, the exciting and engaging content created by the students allows learners to see the bigger picture and consequently aids them in making better choices leading to a healthier life.
The major goal of the MOOC “Exploring the World of Biotherapies: from Lab to Patient” is to embark learners on a journey exploring biological therapies: take the first steps towards understanding its fundamental concept, introduce different applications of various soluble factors, tackle the therapeutic potential of the innate and adaptive immune cells whilst also looking into the prospects of gene therapy, oncolytic viruses, and other intriguing alternative approaches.
Suppose a learner is an undergraduate, master student or a PhD with a background in science or a healthcare worker seeking to improve their knowledge. In that case, these courses will provide them with the resources needed to properly grasp how the world of vaccines and biotherapies work and what the future holds for their research. If you are interested in gaining access to the LIVE MOOC for the employees of your company, please contact for more information.
Vaccine Talks Collective
The Vaccine Talks collective is a product of a reality project called “SAQinVAC” for “Social Acute Question in vaccinology”, created by the LIVE Master students from the Hilleman (2019-2021) promotion during the M2-S3 in the frame of the practical for the “Project management” and “Communication on vaccines and public health” teaching units. 8 students (managers and builders) were accompanied by 2 advisors (Dr Hélène Valentin (CRCL, immuno-virologist) and Dr Olivier Morin (UCBL, Ass Prof teaching didactics of socially acute questions in science and education for sustainable development from the Research Unit S2HEP).
The aim of the project was to address vaccine hesitancy in France and in the world more broadly, by taking apart specific examples of vaccine misinformation. The students have produced: