
Within the LIVE Programme, students can receive scholarships in order to cover their subsistence and university institutional costs. Different types of scholarships are assigned by the LIVE Consortium to EU and NON-EU applicants. Click on the following icons for more information:
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) are funded by the European Union to support European and International students studying any of the EMJM programmes such as LIVE. The scholarship application is included in the file to apply for the Master LIVE using the MyLIVE application system. The Student Agreement between the student and the LIVE consortium has to be signed before scholarship can be disbursed. According to the Erasmus+ programme guide (Version 1 (2024) 28-11-2023 from p292), different types of EMJM financial support are available:
● Partial scholarship to cover the university institutional costs “IC” for students with any nationality. IC is directly transferred to the coordinating institution (UCBL). The student must cover his subsistence costs.
● Full scholarship to cover the university institutional costs & life costs “SHIC” for students with any nationality. IC is directly transferred to the coordinating institution (UCBL). The life costs are transferred, monthly, to the scholarship beneficiary i.e. to the student bank account after creation of the agent profile in the UCBL database and the presence checking of the student in the program. The student enrolled at Master 1 level will receive the scholarship for a maximum of 24 months for the two academic years. The student enrolled at Master 2 level will receive the scholarship for a maximum of 12 months for one academic year.
● Individual needs for students with disabilities
Regardless the scholarship award, enrolled students with disabilities (e.g. long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments) can benefit from contribution to individual needs. This contribution consist in refunds of expenses of special items or services (e.g. assistance by third person, adaptation of work environment, additional travel / transportation costs). Unit costs are eligible from 3,000 to maximum 60,000 euros, upon proof of payment, for all students during the European project implementation.
● Targeted full scholarship from additional funds for students from targeted regions of the world
These scholarships are targeting students with nationality of third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ Program to set external action priorities of the EU, encouraging to recruit students in the poorest and least developed third countries and taking into account the available budget. The amount is the same as the “SHIC” scholarship from the above table.
- European scholarship awarding, regardless the ability of the applicant to be self-funded, is framed by the following rules:
- ● Academic excellence: Best-ranked applicants are selected into the LIVE programme based on their academic excellence and potential.
- ● Maximum 10% from the same nationality of the total number of scholarships awarded during the European project implementation to support geographical balance. This rule is not applicable to targeted full scholarships dedicated to targeted nationalities.
- ● Gender equity at comparable level, inclusion and ensuring diverse study profiles (Scientist-engineer, MD, PharmD, Veterinary students or graduates)
- ● Ineligible: The student who has already benefited from a previous EMJM scholarship or Erasmus Mundus Master’s scholarship or Joint Doctoral scholarship financed by the European Commission, is not eligible for a new European scholarship.
- ● Notes:
- – for the period of 2016-2022 (seven intakes), the European Union financed more than 100 EMJM full scholarships of the LIVE students. Disclaimer: the award of scholarships is depending on a positive selection decision by EACEA for the LIVE project proposal submitted under the EMJM 2024 call.
- – the menu How to apply, in its last section From submission to selection, gives more details on the scoring of applications.
Successful applicants who are not awarded Erasmus Mundus scholarships are eligible to scholarships offered by gold Associated Partners.We thank the fruitful support of our Gold Associated Partners involved in the history of the Master LIVE implementation from 2016. They funded full (SHIC) or partial (IC) scholarships:
Erasmus guarantee for bank loan
Erasmus Master degree loans provide up to 18,000 euros for postgraduates to study abroad. The role of the Erasmus programme is to guarantee the loans, partially. It relies on individual banks agreeing to participate. Please visit for more information.
Scholarship information for specific nationality
Please contact your country representative at EMA e.g. for students with nationalities from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia and Ukraine, the Kazakhstan EMA representative (email: can provide info about scholarships.
Campus France and EU scholarship portals
● As international students registered in a French higher education institution such as Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 during the full period of the programme, you are eligible to several French scholarship opportunities irrespective of your location in European host campuses. Most details about these programmes can be found at CampusBourse, the grant search engine powered by CampusFrance.
● More scholarships opportunities are reported at the studyportals supported by the European Commission:
● An accessible way for international students to search and find comprehensive, accurate, and updated scholarship information:
Erasmus standard mobility scholarship
Students who do not benefit from Erasmus Mundus grants are eligible for Erasmus standard mobility scholarships offered by the European Union within a range of 300 to 550 euros per month from semester 2.
UFR Biosciences internship mobility scholarship
All students are eligible for the UCBL UFR internship mobility grant to contribute to travel costs of semester 4 within the range of 750-1500 euros, once.
French region mobility scholarship
Students who do not benefit from Erasmus grants (Mundus or standard mobility) and who receive less than 700 euros per month of internship allowance are eligible for BRMIE grants to cover partially the semester 4; the amount of which is 95 euros per week.
Internship allowance
During your 6-month end-of-study internship (semester 4), you can earn up to 7,000 euros depending on your hosting institution; it can be more, exceptionally, depending on your diploma in hands (i.e. if you can be paid as an engineer, DVM, PharmD or MD).
Part-time jobs
LIVE full partner universities do not offer assistantships. Students can take part-time jobs during the period of the programme, however
● Holders of a student visa in Europe face restrictions in terms of type of contract and legal maximum number of hours they can work
● Finding a job in Lyon/Saint-Etienne for non-French speakers is extremely difficult
Note: Students are strongly advised not to accept undeclared jobs as this can jeopardise their ability to stay in France