How to Apply?
There are two periods to apply for the Master LIVE regardless your financial means. When the period to apply for the Master LIVE is open, you go to the LIVE website homepage and click on “APPLY NOW!” to switch to the application system, which is:
● MyLIVE from mid-November (Y-1) to mid-January (Y) for a start in September (Y). MyLIVE welcomes online applications from applicants of any nationality to compete for merit-based scholarships.
● MyLIVE from mid-April (Y) to May (Y) for a start in September (Y). MyLIVE welcomes online applications from applicants of Schengen nationalities (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland), who don’t need a visa to study in Spain, Belgium and France.
Online application System
STEP 1: Creating your account
● Mylive: Applicants create an account at with login (e-mail) and password and answer the short survey to tell us how they found out about the programme LIVE.
- Your email address on MyLIVE platform is your mandatory unique identifier for your file.
1) At the MyLIVE platform: , please fill out your file.
2) Once your MyLIVE application is complete, you will receive a confirmation of MyLIVE submission by email.
STEP 2: Personal information
Applicants are required to fill in basic information including name, gender, address, contact details, spoken languages, nationality, disability, etc.
STEP 3: Qualifications and experience
Applicants must fill in their academic qualifications, their english language qualifications and their employment history. About their academic qualifications:
● Qualification: title such as last year of high school studies, bachelor’s degree, master degree, MD, DVM, PharmD,… etc.
● Subject: The field of the previous title which is useful to know for scientists because they can have different fields of expertise. For PharmD or MD or DVM, It can be pharmaceutical studies or medical studies or Vet studies and they can also indicate a speciality, if applicable.
● Place of study: university (or other institution) name and country
● Results: you use the scale you have on your title. It can be GPA or other, be precise of the max and if higher is better or the reverse. e.g. 2/5 (1 being the best) or 18/20 (20 being the best).
● Date obtained is the date of issuance of the previous title.
● Click on “Add” if you want to insert several titles.
● Do not forget to click the button “Next” (bottom right) to save your entries.
STEP 4: Statement and Prerequisites
● write a personal essay to demonstrate their ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic. Example of proposed topic could be: “What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores?” Applicants can choose from five topics, the one that suits them best and write an essay from 2000 to 4500 characters, using the question to inspire and structure their response. Applicants can use the full range if they need it, but must not feel obliged to do so. (The online portal will not accept a response outside of the range of 2000 to 4500 characters.)
● answer the questionnaire that tests prior knowledge in six fields (Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology-virology and Physiology). Applicant must be able to use this basic knowledge to understand the future master course. Applicants should review biology courses of Bachelor level before taking this, as the results will contribute to the scoring of their application (see below for more details on scoring). You can download a sample survey here.
STEP 5: Supporting information
This is a section for the applicant to:
● provide one or two referees: please provide their institutional email to be sure the recommendation will be taken into account by the reviewers
● select profile of studies as scientist (student coming from university of science or school of engineers) or PharmD (pharmacist) or DVM (veterinary) or MD (physician) students
● upload all items supporting the previously described qualifications: a current photo, diploma, transcripts, passport, English proficiency…
● upload a supplementary document file (optional) of max 20 MB, clustering additional documents that may support the application, for example:
– Self-funded student can upload their supporting credentials;
– Applicants can upload their CV (curriculum vitae) of maximum two pages or any additional information;
– Job certification or recommendation
● provide information on the financing of studies.
“Review” is a button to build a pdf of the MyLIVE application that applicants can download at any time, print and check to see if all sections have been completed (i.e. green points in front of all sections).
STEP 6 : Submission
● Applicants must submit their application before the deadline.
● With conditional admission (waiting for your Bachelor diploma and/or English proficiency), you will be able to complete your qualifications with your last semester of academic records until July 15.
● If you have any need for clarification on LIVE programme / eligibility prior to application or if you encounter technical issues during your online application do not hesitate to contact us.
From submission to selection
A full and comprehensive breakdown of the LIVE application scoring system and application reviewing process can be found below.
The joint eligible committee built with administrative staff from UCBL and UAB-UB is in charge of the administrative eligibility of each submitted file. Ineligible applicants are immediately informed by email after the eligibility checking. Information on the appeal procedure are provided in this email: if the applicant does not agree with the decision, (s)he may appeal the decision in writing, timely providing the necessary details to the mailbox before a deadline that is usually set 15 days after the eligibility result.
All appeals have to be signed and endorsed by the applicant. No new information can be submitted during the appeal process. Appeals submitted after the indicated deadline are not taken into consideration.
The reviewing is jointly conducted by staff with PhD from Full and Associated partners. Two reviewers who are members of the LIVE Academic Management Board or academic professors from the Master LIVE will independently score your application. The pre-selection score (weighted x9) is based on:
- ● Qualifications & experience (weighted x3) scored by the reviewers;
- ● Statement (weighted x2) scored by the reviewers;
- ●Prerequisites (weighted x2): the prerequisite test (Multiple Answer Survey – MAS) is automatically scored with an algorithm taking into account the level of the questions (basic versus advanced), the percentage of correct answers, the self-assessment (specialization will be considered) and the time spent to answer correctly (% correct answers / time);
- ● Referee recommendation(s) preferably via institutional emails (weighted x2) scored by the reviewers;
- ●Finally, each reviewer independently provides a recommendation for interview, which is Priority or Acceptable or Not preselected, with written justifications of their scoring.
The LIVE Steering Committee compiles two independent reviews per applicant and serves as a third reviewer to resolve discrepancies when required. The LIVE Steering Committee jointly establishes the list of applicants pre-selected for interviews. The size of the pre-selected group is maximum three times larger than the number of seats available in the LIVE programme, taking into account M1 entry and M2 entry. We usually have more files recommended for interview than slots for interview therefore, we have a group of files that remains in the selection process and can be called later for interview, named: “Reserve for Interview” files.
Pre-selected applicants will receive personalized email from the LIVE secretariat to plan a 15-min remote interview that will take place according to the calendar provided on the LIVE website. Each year, the guidelines for interview are jointly revised and provided with the summon for interview. Finally, the Jury for interview composed of 3 members of the Academic management board (AMB) jointly scores the interview (weighted x9), and provides to the AMB-Jury a score with a recommendation, which is “TOP LIST” or “Wait list” or “Not selected”, with written justifications of the assessment. In addition, we keep the group of files “Reserve for Interview” (with good but lower review score and interview pending), which can be called until the first week of September.
The Academic Management Board (AMB) uses first the recommendation then, the mean score between reviewing score and interview score, to rank the files. The AMB seeks to ensure also gender balance, geographical balance (maximum 10% of the students with European scholarship have the same nationality), and diverse study profiles. Scholarships are awarded according to the merit in the selection process, regardless the financial means of the applicants. Only applicants selected and declared to be self-funded can be considered for seats without scholarships. The LIVE Secretariat then publishes:
- ● the “TOP LIST” of the best ranked successful applicants
- ● the “Wait list” to call selected students according to withdrawals from the main list
- ● the “Reserve for interview” to call applicants for interview and possibly promote them to the lists above, by the first week of September.
Following approval by the EU commission, the scholarship awarding will be confirmed by early date, which depends on the EACEA calendar from April to July.
Pending scholarship confirmation and/or graduation of Bachelor-this-year selected students and/or payment of the pre-registration fees (Self-Funded students), the LIVE Secretariat sends a conditional admission letter to each student of the TOP LIST who manage acceptance or withdrawal from the Master LIVE.
The LIVE Secretariat also contacts the selected applicants listed on the Wait list and Reserve for Interview” list for them to confirm the date until which they accept to be called.
Then, the LIVE Secretariat manages the TOP and Wait/Reserve lists to establish the letters of admission.