Katholieke Universiteit Leuven*Rega Institute for medical research


KU Leuven is dedicated to education and research in nearly all fields. Its fifteen faculties offer classes and degree-granting academic programmes, whilst research activities are organised by departments and research groups. These faculties and departments are clustered into three thematic groups: Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), and Biomedical Sciences. Each of these groups sponsors its own doctoral school for organising and awarding doctoral degrees.

KU Leuven boasts thirteen campuses, spread across 10 cities in Flanders.

The Rega Institute was founded in 1954 by Professor Piet De Somer and named after the 18th century filantropist and professor Josephus Rega of Leuven. It hosts part of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Since its inception, the Rega Institute hosts also the Section of Medicinal Chemistry of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and it is thus a true interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research institute. The Rega Institute has always been a jewel in the crown of research and innovation at the University of Leuven on the basis of publications, citations and prestigious scientific prizes of its members.

Last updated : June 28, 2023