We are pleased to announce that you can apply for theLIVE Master 2025-2027 (M1+M2, 2-year Program) or 2025-2026 (M2-only, 1-year Program) as follow:
Application period #1 (open): From November 19, 2024 to January 22, 2025 for LIVE Applicants of any nationality, self-funded and/or applying for scholarship
Master LIVE offers exceptional academic instruction designed to equip students with the skills and cutting-edge knowledge in Vaccinology and Immunology. Apply now and unlock your potential for an exciting career ahead of you!
Navigate to the buttons below to learn more about eligibility criteria and application process:
Application period #1 is now OPEN
We are pleased to announce that you can apply for the LIVE Master 2025-2027 (M1+M2, 2-year Program) or 2025-2026 (M2-only, 1-year Program) as follow:
Master LIVE offers exceptional academic instruction designed to equip students with the skills and cutting-edge knowledge in Vaccinology and Immunology. Apply now and unlock your potential for an exciting career ahead of you!
Navigate to the buttons below to learn more about eligibility criteria and application process:
2024.11.19 – D. Chirita